The Evolution of The Aluminum Forest

The Evolution

Vol. 1, No. 2

November 29, 2021

Greetings, Aluminum Lovers!  The greatest thing about pure, unbridled enthusiasm is that it is highly infectious.  It has been very touching to see the avidity in others for the success of and our annual fundraiser for Hilton Head Humane. has quickly evolved into the most comprehensive resource for aluminum Christmas trees in the universe, and it would not have happened as rapidly, or at all, without some serious underpinnings of support.  We are awash in gratitude.

We deeply appreciate all who have contributed photos, stories, information, and genuine interest:

To those who sent pix from your tree collections, thank you.

To those who contributed family photos, thank you.

To friends and strangers who messaged with compliments and encouragement, thank you.

To my dear brother, Burke, and gal-pals: Christina, Fancy Nancy and Melissa, who are the glue holding the fundraiser together, I sincerely thank you.

To our web-guy, John at Niche Market Media, thank you for your enthusiasm, positivity, flexibility, and fortitude.

To our graphic designer, Michelle at Omega Graphics, thank you for the impossibly short turn-around times.

To our t-shirt producer, Christine at Palmetto Blended, thank you for your patience and hustle.

To the Dashers, thank you for your warm and welcoming collective spirit.

To the families of the great pioneers of the aluminum Christmas tree industry, we cannot thank you enough.

The whirlwind of decorating that started in September is finally winding up.  The outside display is lit, and the inside is almost ready for the big reveal December 2.  The hard work is done.  Now for tweaks, treats, and timers!

Updates galore are slated for  But first, we raise money for the medical fund for Hilton Head Humane. We love sharing our passion for aluminum Christmas trees with the universe, and we love being able to use our sprawling display to help our local animal shelter.

We look forward to growing and evolving as your ultimate online resource for aluminum Christmas trees and all things orbiting The Aluminum Universe!  Cheers, y’all!

Yours always,

Kelly Brennan McClure

Any questions on the blog? Do reach out!