Stainless Metal Craft

Stainless Metal Craft
10124 S. Vincennes Ave.
Lake Township, Chicago, IL

What does Stainless Metal Craft have to do with a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses? Only that the recorded address of Stainless Metal Craft seems to be the present-day parking lot of TKHOJW. Calls to the Kingdom Hall were unreturned. However, a very obliging lady answered at the Cook County Tax Assessor’s Office. Adelle examined the street number sequence and found it likely that the former 10124 S. Vincennes Ave. is now a parking lot. Adelle further surmised that the property might once have been a “two-flat storefront,” as most of the properties were along that part of the street in the 1960’s. The S. Vincennes Ave. number 10124 no longer exists in the tax assessor records.

Hallmarks of Stainless Metal Craft

The more one knows about the characteristics of Stainless Metal Craft Trees, the more mysterious the lack of history becomes:


High branch count with highly incremental taper system. Known for 2-tone models.


Wooden, painted to match tree, slant cut join, tapered top, row holes in a sequence of 8. Octagonal.


Cardboard pallet

Take out the octagon shape and what does it look like? Revlis.
There is no known patent licensing.

The Aluminum Forest gaily presents

The Gallery of Stainless Metal Craft!

If you can offer any information on the Stainless Metal Craft Company,

The Aluminum Forest would love to hear from you!