Let’s Talk About Specs!

 Let’s Talk About Specs!

Vol. 1, No. 4

September 22, 2022

The premiere mission of The Aluminum Forest is to be your most comprehensive resource for information on aluminum Christmas trees.  In keeping with that, we invite you to reach out whenever you need detailed information to help you navigate The Aluminum Wilderness.  This is where a healthy conversation about specs can be very beneficial!

We are continually thrilled to talk trees and share what we have learned over 10+ years of collecting nearly 100 aluminum Christmas trees.  Let our working knowledge work for you!  Whether you need branches, stands, sleeves, or insight, The Aluminum Forest extends a standing offer to every collector to contact us with questions.

The more you know, you know.

These days we see more online auctions offering aluminum tree parts.   This can be great for the intrepid collector who needs to complete a tree.  However, many listings are rather generic or vague in detail, perhaps just because the seller does not know to what tree the parts belong. Add to that misleading information that may be included to curry a larger pool of prospective buyers.  Beyond that, Aluminum Lovers, there are low-down scammers out there, creating tree mash-ups or dyeing aluminum trees, banking on the prospect of an uninformed, yet enthusiastic collector.

A recent online scam of a sale was the impetus for this blog post.  Here is something that I have learned as a collector navigating The Aluminum Wilderness:  a dishonest seller is likely to be much more shrewd and cunning than a collector who does not have an arsenal of specs to reference.  Where can one go for context?  The Aluminum Forest!

In addition to diligently cataloging almost 100 trees, noting any and every tidbit of information that can be gleaned, we have also procured our share of misrepresented trees.  We are happy to share what we have learned!  An informed community is a strong community.

Cheers, y’all!

Yours always,

Kelly Brennan McClure

Any questions on the blog? Do reach out!